2013年1月5日 星期六

2012 Dachau, Germany

The bus stop to concentration camp大批觀光客走在猶太人的受難路上The JourhausWorks set you free / 工作讓你自由(?!)Dachau Concentration Camp集合場
The memorial siteThe Maintenance buildinginside out在這個窗口,被送進來的猶太人將自己身上的東西繳交出來。牆上的德文寫著:禁止吸煙International Memorial , created by Nandor Glid, 1968
The BunkerThe Bunker儘管天氣大好,遊客的心情總不自覺地沈重Negative0-17-17(1)Dachau Concentration CampNegative0-20-20(1)
The electrified barded-wire fenceThe Camp FencingThe Camp FencingThe barrackroll-call arearoll-call area

2012 Dachau, Germany, a set on Flickr.

